泰科电子公司采购部门 泰科电子公司采购部门









  • 保证进入泰科电子公司的不间断和及时的材料流
  • 降低外购产品和服务的成本
  • 降低外购产品和服务的总购置成本(TAC)
  • 保证内部遵守专业采购做法,

TE Operating Advantage for Procurement

TE Operating Advantage (TEOA) is a company-wide effort designed to improve productivity, reduce costs, and deliver greater satisfaction to our customers and greater value to shareholders. TEOA for Procurement (TEOA-P) transforms our Supply Chain network to provide competitive advantages for TE in terms of quality, delivery, speed to market, productivity, and asset utilization. TEOA-P also focuses on partnering with key suppliers to improve performance and build a system of repeatable, best-in-class processes and tools that are common across TE to provide one voice to Suppliers.